
Showing posts from February, 2021

How to Make Colourful Unicorn Fluffy Slime in 2021

I was obsessed with unicorns when I was in 5th grade. In my class were most girls. So I wasn't surprised if unicorns made their return a few years ago (and I mean, how could unicorns ever get out of style?!). This fluffy unicorn slime is like a gift to my fifth grade. You want to make this slime unicorn , because you have to make five colors. Every color you make is individual. There is a lot of kneading, tearing and extending to make those 5 colors to those who want sensory activity for their kids that promote proprioceptive input (heavy job). This is a great way to get into the heavy work that helps children to regulate themselves. Slime Ingredients: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) Elmer’s white school glue 1/2 cup shaving cream 1/2 cup foaming hand wash 1/2 tsp. corn starch 1/2 tsp. body lotion 1/2 tsp. baking soda 3/4 Tbsp. contact solution candy colour or food colouring (yellow, pink, purple, and teal) glitter (yellow, pink, purple, teal, and iridescent) Homemade Fluffy Slime Recipe: Make Glu

Slime Recipe to Make Unicorn Slime in 2021

Ever before, have you done homemade slime? It's pretty fun to do, indeed! If your children love slimming unicorns, they will fully love slimming unicorns. You can also tailor this unicorn slime to your favorite colors. We have chosen our favorite unicorn colors – rose, blue, and gold. But you could make it colored with rainbows or add lilac or green!